Unit Plan Template
Unit Author
First and Last Name
Rikka Marie R. Caballero
DAS, Toledo
School Name
Don Leo Belleza y Villaruel Vocational School
DAS, Toledo City
Unit Overview
Unit Title
The Creative
Art of Garnishing
Unit Summary
In this unit
there are some Rules and Principles that are in line with the concept of
garnishing, and different styles and tools are also introduced to give
student an experiential learning through the hand’s on activity of making
garnishes out of fresh fruit and vegetables where creativity, skills,
innovativeness and discipline can be portray and enhance through this unit.
Subject Area
Culinary Arts
Grade Level
Second Year High School
Approximate Time Needed
1 hour every meeting, twice a week, 8 meetings per month
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks (BEC
The students will be able to acquire the basic
knowledge and so they can easily apply it to real world work where there
skills and capabilities can be exposed and enhance
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
The students will be able to know the basic concepts about garnishing,
and so they must master the skill on all types of garnishing out of making it
through the newly-innovative tools in garnishing.
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question
Why is it that Culinary skills is important
in our vocation that is part of our lesson?
Unit Questions
What makes the garnishes important in terms
of food technology?
Content Questions
Why is it that skills and basic techniques
is a must in garnishing?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Assessment Summary
The students assess their own and their peer product with the standard
of my rubric. The student should be able to present a product with the style
of garnishing that they used through explanation and presentation of their
project. This will happen after they done the project in the classroom.
Assessment Rubric
Management of the
Cleanliness of the project-50 orderliness- 15
The style being used- 5 cleanliness of
the activity place- 10
The way it is presented- 20
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Skills in cutting, carving and innovativeness
Instructional Procedures
The teacher will guide with tye student’s to this said activity and
also with the guided hand-outs for their own material
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Needs Students
Teacher directed demonstration on the different style of garnishing
Nonnative Speakers
Gifted/Talented Students
The student’s leran to explore their skills without the guide of a
teacher, this student arevery much capable with just the guide of hand-ossut
materials. They were talented student’s that are in need with the mind to
developed and improved their skills.
Materials and Resources Required
For Unit
Technology – Hardware |
x Camera
Digital Camera
x DVD Player
Internet Connection
Laser Disk
Projection System
x Television
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
x Other Garnishing tools
Technology – Software
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
x Multimedia
Web Page Development
Word Processing
x Other Videos
Printed Materials
G. de Guzman et al. book, 1998, hand-outs
Fruits, vegetables, garnishing tools,
laboratory gown and laboratory utensils
Internet Resources
Other Resources
Mentors like older teacher, Parents to guide and seek help and teacher
who can creatively do experiments of new design in garnishing
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